Ayubowan Rejuvenation Program
A detoxification and regeneration program using herbal medicines to increase body energy and immunity with Pinda Sweda (milk rice and herbs pack) to improve flexibility and stamina.

Length of stay requirement: 7 days upwards
Ayubowan Stress Relief Program
Including various relaxation treatments, with main therapy being Shirodhara (liquid on forehead). Also includes Shirolepa (herbal head pack), Shirovasti, and Sarvangadhara (full body oil pouring treatment).
Length of stay requirement: 14 days minimum stay
Ayubowan Slimming Program
Includes special treatments such as herbal powder massage, ayurvedic diet program, acupuncture and slimming tea.

Length of stay requirement: 14 days minimum stay
Immunity Booster Stay Package
An immunity booster stay package from Heritance Ayurveda which helps to intensify natural body defense mechanism to fight against any virus.

Length of stay requirement: 14 days minimum stay
Our Doctors
All our doctors are highly qualified in Ayurveda and other therapies.