
Ambalangoda, the closest village to Heritance Ahungalla, is known as a centre for antiques and masks. At the Mask Museum, prepare to be inspired by a variety of unique masks. Most are made from kaduru, a light, pliable wood similar to balsa. After carving, the masks were traditionally sanded using rough leaves or shark skin. Masks are used for several purposes in Sri Lanka. As well as featuring in traditional dance, drama and comedies, and in large pageants and processions, they are also used in ceremonies to exorcise demons or cure illnesses. The museum also contains several puppets, made from the same type of wood and manipulated with strings. The average height of traditional puppets is around 4 feet, but those representing royalty or nobility are taller and heavier. Puppet shows are accompanied by music on the drum and Seraphina, as well as singing.

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